I love writing. For me, writing has not only been an outlet for my thoughts and feelings, like therapeutic journaling, but also a means to connect with others, which has been equally if not more rewarding. We only have one life to live and we all have certain gifts, talents, or unique abilities to put to good use, however we can in our given circumstances. Doing what we love to do and do best makes us feel the most “alive” and adds meaning to our lives.
Fortunately, we are not confined to talents or abilities we are born with - or I would be in sorry shape! We can develop skills, talents, or abilities at any point in our lives. For example, I absolutely dreaded writing when I was in high school and I was not very good at it. I had great trouble putting together even a paragraph, let alone a few sentences. I had writer’s block. Literally. All. The. Time.
We can improve our skills and acquire new ones. It was those lengthy writing assignments in my undergraduate psychology courses and extensive feedback from devoted professors that helped me to string what I could write a little bit better. Not to mention I also received writing assistance with the help of my then-girlfriend and now-wife who assisted me in writing letters to the editor to our local newspaper on topics of moral significance. In fact, we were first unofficially “introduced to each other” in 1997 by our writings in a local newspaper!
Now – 24 years later – I write for a living, as I am a practicing school psychologist who writes lengthy psycho-educational reports on students on a regular basis. When I write reports, I am always thinking about the effect of my words on the students and their families – for better or worse – and trying to choose my words wisely, so that they not only address a student’s needs, but especially builds up the student by highlighting their strengths and unique talents, gifts, or abilities, which can thereby help them overcome their obstacles to success in school.
In the same way, my intention in writing this blog is to also build you up and make your day a little lighter – be it through:
- an encouraging word;
- a humorous anecdote;
- tips and strategies;
- or a thought-provoking musing on living with an invisible chronic illness.
As most reading this know, living with an invisible chronic illness can be incredibly draining and we all need a “lift me up” from time to time. Between my chronic physical illnesses of empty nose syndrome, a primary immune deficiency disorder, bronchiectasis, and sleep apnea, the journey up and down can feel like a never-ending roller coaster ride. Not only that, but dealing with misunderstandings and the judgmental attitudes of others who question our condition or downplay its severity is the painful icing on the cake. Us chronic illness sufferers have all heard advice ranging “stay positive” to “but you look good” to countless unhelpful remedies that will cure our illness.
The end result? Our relationships as well as our physical and emotional health suffer – sometimes tremendously. Our lives suffer. Which is precisely why I am starting this blog.
Please join me on this journey and feel free to comment below!
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